The End is bleak, desolate, and let's face it, boring. So let's shed a little, not light, but life on it! Enter The Corval. Corvic (plural form) are large gorilla-like mobs designed after crows. They would be neutral with 50 health and love the fruit of the chorus plant. One key behavior for them would be climbing up to the top of the chorus trees to get the tasty fruits up there. They would also breed with these, but instead of birthing live young, they would climb up onto the trees, and a Corvin (corvin, adj, relating to Corvals) Egg would be placed. Corvic would also be terrified of shulker boxes, because of how it resembles a shulker itself, which tend to prioritize levitating a Corvic over anything else. When attacked, the adults would rear up on their hind legs and release a loud call, which could be heard from up to 30 blocks away. When a Corval heard this call, they would rush to the aid of their fellows. When a baby was attacked, however, it would release a shrill screech with the same effects, but 5 times the range. Upon eating chorus fruit, our fine feathered friends would have a 10% chance of teleporting if they were an adult and a 90% chance of teleporting if they were a baby. This is because they would build up an immunity to the plant over time. They also could be tamed and ridden with a popped chorus.
This is needed because the End dimension is currently very bleak and would add much more life to the chorus forests. Please consider this, Mojang. We need it.
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