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The new villager changes in the new snapshot are bad.


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    Registered User commented
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    I agree, the grind to make any use of the villagers will now be hilarious difficult, and getting the best armor and tools may be impossible. With these updates being about self expression and enhancing the different styles of play, I feel like this is very contradictive to that theme. Making not just a styled, but a powerful and personalized enchanted armor is a form of expression that predated these armor trims! Why does it need to be so ridiculously difficult to get that now. Not to mention, I know may players who aren't Minecraft combat professionals, so they can't beat the game without the best stuff. It's out of there reach. If this nerf is going to go through, then there needs to be some major buffs too, such as removing the to expensive mark on an anvil, reducing the do price of combing books and gear, restoring villagers top lvl enchantments, and making moving villagers easier

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Just use the enchantment table. In addition, you do not need maximum levels for a comfortable game.

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    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree, if a Villager rebalance is supposed to happen then the anvil and Enchanting table must receive a complete overhaul, otherwise the game will become to time consuming for many people (including myself).

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    Registered User commented
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    I agree, and especially players who are not yet familiar with the game may have considerable difficulties.

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    Registered User commented
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    I completely agree. I think this update will just make villager trading more of a grind than it needs to be. It’s already a pretty brutal grind to get the enchantments. I think this is going to make things a lot more difficult for small servers and single player worlds.

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    Registered User commented
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    "i shouldnt have to get a villagers from a jungle"

    Exactly. Imagine thinking that lugging around villagers to different biomes is a fun way to play.


    "just to get unbreaking 2, oh yeah i forgot to say that its unbreaking 2, not 3, which makes making enchanted tools more difficult"

    Also, Why make it unnecessarily difficult to achieve the higher-level enchantments? If the devs want to make it so that someone is enticed to get the highest level of enchantments, then why arbitrarily limit it? If I want to go around the world for books, I'll do that, and I've done that in the past. I always knew trading with villagers was an option, but most times I preferred exploring anyways and seeing the books as an extra bonus.

    TO THE DEVS: Please don't do this to the player base. Please don't turn into other studios that pigeonhole the players into one pathway for progression! Minecraft is supposed to have multiple ways to play and complete the game (if they even choose to complete it). Why get rid of the player's ability to play in their SINGLEPLAYER game the way they want? Leave the multiple paths open to the player's interest. If you feel that some biomes you have spent a lot of time updating aren't getting enough attention, then make them more enticing to visit and live in using a unique way. Do not punish those who have found playstyles they have grown accustomed to (unless it's truly game-breaking and ruins the fun for other people in multiplayer).

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    Registered User commented
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    Why would you want to get unbreaking from a villager, it's a really common enchant

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    Registered User commented
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    Unbreaking is important because it's a rare enchant on books. On equipment sure, but for Elytras, Shields, hoes and shears it's not really an enchantable option. 

    I think the idea was fine but the nerfs are too hard. The average player is not going to know how to access the nether roof, much less even know that you can get above it. Along with the expanded biomes for subpar enchants, it's far too much that you probably will never want/need to use librarians other than for paper. 

    The armorer nerfs I'm down with. Needing diamonds to buy the gear is fine, what's not fine is how weak the enchants are. Like what's the point of getting blast protection 1? We are all just going to use a grindstone for it. 

    This heavily impacts the normal player base as they probably don't even know how to make an end/gold farm to get quick access to exp making their grind even more difficult. All I know now is that priests are about to be the most used villager purely for lapis and the librarians for bookshelves so we can mass enchant and make inventory management even worse.