Tridents are cool but difficult to acquire. As long as you had one, enchanted it, and beefed it out with villagers; you could have a maxed out enchanted trident. However with the new update, this isn't necessarily all that possible. Impaling 5 at a lvl 30 enchantment table only appears 10% of the time, and when you mix that with the chances of the other enchantments(riptide, unbreaking) (loyalty, channeling, unbreaking), it becomes a really slim chance to acquire a maxed out trident without padding it. With the removal of trident trades from villagers, only a few options remain to get a good trident; spend time at an XP grinder and grind your soul away on the enchantment table, find a randomly generating book for whatever you need, or get another really rare trident through either a farm or by chance while exploring the ocean for a second time. Most likely, my best option to get a trident is going to be making a farm to get a couple just so I can satisfy my OCD and do 1 extra damage to fish with impaling 5 instead of 4. Impaling is my major concern since the other enchantments are pretty common but it will be quite tedious to get an extra level of impaling on a trident when there is little to no way to go about it. Possibly harder than an enchanted golden apple. I'm not asking per say to put impaling back into villager trades (I think the snapshot is extra cool), I just want a way to acquire those enchantments without having to grind for days for a small return on investment.
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