We welcome feedback about menus, toggles on menus, buttons on menus, input devices (like touch controls and keyboards), and Minecraft’s interface. How do you play? What would make it better?


Updated 'Play Screen' Experience in Bedrock Preview


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  • 531
    Registered User commented
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  • 332
    Registered User commented
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    It would be better if we'll jave a toggle to switch between JSON and OreUI.

  • 255
    Registered User commented
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    I love the new model. I think that it definitely should not have the size of the world. It discourage players to explore the world (I say from my own experience). I don't have much to say beyond that: don't add the world size. It is perfect in the way that it is now.

  • 234
    Registered User commented
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    The friends tab being in the top corner makes it more difficult to get to, and more difficult for someone new to the game to notice. Bringing it to the main tabs would make it easier to know about and access. So having World, Friends, Realms and Servers tabs.

  • 180
    Registered User commented
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    I want ore ui to be editable as json ui, or add a switch from ore ui to json ui

  • 184
    Registered User commented
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    Instead of the toggle saying All worlds it should say Worlds because it's not including your realms worlds. Also you should center the create new world and worlds by creators on mobile devices as well.

  • 158
    Registered User commented
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    I personally love the new UI design, but I would love it if the world size and the last played date would be re-added because both were very useful to distinguish between worlds, e.g. between the main survival world and all backups. Or if you forgot the name of a world and you only know that it was very small and you played the last time on it at the end of 2021. Without the accurate date and size you probably would never find it (at least if you have 100+ worlds, like me).

  • 139
    Registered User commented
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    Please give more visibility to not featured servers. This little UI makes the Add server button hidden where the user needs to scroll to click this button. 

  • 109
    Registered User commented
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    We need a toggle to switch between displaying worlds in list and in grid manually regardless of screen resolution.

  • 111
    Registered User commented
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    I think instead of just edit, it should also have copy, delete and export so you don't have to go to the world options just to do those things. Also a select button to delete multiple worlds at once would be very useful. The edit worlds ui should have the create a new world ui, and the friends tab is a bit too obscure

  • 101
    Registered User commented
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    Na Javie jest lepsze Ui

  • 110
    Registered User commented
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    The worlds should be smaller so you can see more than just 2 at a time. But other than that it looks great.

  • 116
    Registered User commented
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    The game should remember which tab you were previously on even when you restart the game (e.g. you close the screen on the Servers Tab, opens the screen or restarts the game and your still on the Servers Tab).

  • 101
    Registered User commented
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    Great look! I think the Friends Tab should be right next to the servers tab, but still as an icon. Also it feels like the size of the world and date of last opened is missing, if you don't want to overcrowd it maybe make it a toggle on accessibility, like advanced tooltips but for UI.

  • 123
    Registered User commented
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    Here's my feedback for the new Play Screen UI!

    Issues with the old Play Screen

    (Items in bold have been fixed with the new UI)

    • World date shown shouldn't update upon opening world edit screen, only when the world itself was last opened should the date change
    • Thumbnails too small (FIXED: Thumbnails are now larger)
    • Scrolling the world list on a touch screen makes it easy to click and open a world accidentally. To fix this, make it so clicking the world opens the edit screen, where you can press play to open the world from there.
    • Realms take up too much space at top of world list (FIXED: Moved into separate tab)
    • Advertising marketplace content upon clicking create new world adds an unnecessary extra step required to create a new world (FIXED: Moved marketplace content behind a separate button)

    Negative changes made to the new Play Screen 

    • World dates removed
    • World sizes removed
    • World counter removed
    • Removed support for coloured/formatted text using §
    • ‘Friends’ worlds list should be a separate tab just like Realms and Servers, instead of a weird sidebar

    Other Improvements that could be made

    • Allow for longer world names (this is already possible by editing the world name .txt file; the game GUI just artificially limits it)
    • Option to show the worlds as a list, but still larger thumbnails like the grid view
    • Add a search field for searching worlds, like Java has
    • Show the original creation date of the world (if technically possible)
    • Show the version a world was last played in, like Java does
  • 155
    Registered User commented
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    • The friends tab being in the top corner makes it more difficult to get to, and more difficult for someone new to the game to notice. Bringing it to the main tabs would make it easier to know about and access. So having World, Friends, Realms and Servers tabs.
    • Add a search box to search for worlds, I don't want to find them by myself because I've a lot of worlds and its kinda difficult to find them. So here's my concept, add a search button (or a search box).
    • Game mode colored boxes are based on what game mode you are in. For example, when you are in Survival by default, it'll be a red box, when you are in Creative, it'll be a green box and adventure will be a blue box.
    • Add the ability to play recently played world. It'll show up on the top of the play screen
    • Instead of just a big edit button below the worlds, add the world details (last played, world size)
  • 182
    Registered User commented
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    !Me gusta mucho! Espero que se mantenga 😄

  • 94
    Registered User commented
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    don’t get me wrong, the new menu definitely looks better than the old one, but integrating the old features like the data from when you last played a world or the file size would be helpful to have on there, as knowing the file size may help with preventing world corruption due to a large file type
    besides from that the new ui look very very good

  • 77
    Registered User commented
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    The play screen looks great so far: elegant and fast like the other new ore ui changes!
    I only have 2 suggestion:
    - The option to have the worlds as a list. The lost is the only thing I miss from the old one
    - Icon for "all worlds" should be more unique, like the realms and serves ones
    Sometimes it seems like is a "error" image like if the icon is not loaded correctly. Maybe a more unique block should do the trick, like a crafting table to simbolize that "here is where you craft your next adventure in Minecraft".
    Of course it could not be just a block, maybe even an item like an empty (or a even full) map!

  • 76
    Registered User commented
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    The buttons are really slow and unresponsive even on powerful devices. Please improve the performance to be as snappy as Java's menus.

  • 72
    Registered User commented
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    So my feedback is about the new UI button where when you click on it then it will show you on that page. I found that the line below the letter that show you are on that page isn't suitable for the new UI button but instead just put a light circle icon that is fit in the UI box beside the letter to show that you are on that page would be suitable for the new UI.

    Draft design of what i am trying to say :

  • 107
    Registered User commented
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    NOT featured servers should have more visibility, information tab for Featured Servers They occupy half the screen and are not usable by non-featured servers...

  • 74
    Registered User commented
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    The friends tab should be more prominent.

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    Precisa melhorar o Android não está funcionando as funções novas no celular k11

  • 63
    Registered User commented
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    The new ui looks great, but there should be export world button and import world button on Android. Especially with the new location of the worlds folder.

  • 67
    Registered User commented
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    The new system removes useful information such as Date Last Played and World File Size

    Both versions are also far too sparse, making it harder to find a world if you have a lot of them. 
    I propose a more condensed version, with a search and game mode select feature that shows more worlds per page.

    I've posted examples of my modifications on Twitter. They're not perfect, but I would personally find them a lot more user friendly.

  • 60
    Registered User commented
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    The new world UI screens are sparse and remove info inc. date and size. They're also not great for people with lots of worlds. Here's my proposal, not perfect but includes search / filter at the bottom and shows more worlds / info. And while we're making changes... Let's get rid of the "Copy of..." prefix when duplicating a world. It's not useful and annoying to remove for long world names. Make a versioning system instead. Duplicate worlds sit inside a category page ordered by date created / version. This would remove the issue with long lists of worlds, while making it much easier to manage the same word with multiple versions.

  • 51
    Registered User commented
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    One word, please bring the Friends tab back!!

  • 52
    Registered User commented
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    For the moment only local worlds are displayed on the “All worlds” tab.

    The implication sounds like "All worlds" will not only contain local worlds. In my view, there should be an easy place to find ONLY local worlds. Many children play Minecraft, and mine have been instructed to not join servers. Instead, we play together in LAN games. However, it would be confusing for children to see all worlds mixed together. How are they supposed to understand which ones are allowed and which ones are off limits? Explaining this by tab makes it very easy, as it is today. How would that consideration be accounted for in the new UI design? It would be nice to have a setting that could turn off the Servers tab altogether, honestly.

    Other thoughts:

    • The new design is very clean. Big plus. The color indicators of game mode are a nice touch.
    • At the same time, it's a bit hard to scan down the page or scroll through a list. Instead, your eyes have to track left and right across each row.
    • It would be helpful to have a sort (by file size, name, and last world opened date [not last date you opened the edit screen])
    • Sorting by file size can be super helpful when there are many worlds and device space is limited; it helps find the largest worlds that could be removed.
    • Reworking these screens is well and good, but there are stability issues, significant bugs, and parity differences that may be a better time investment.
  • 51
    Registered User commented
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    Hi! I really like this new play screen world but there’s some issues: the friends tab button doesn’t stand out as much so it would be cool if it was made slightly larger. There is also the colored world name feature missing, as well as the world date not appearing. Some people with a ton of worlds have also been complaining about how the new UI doesn’t show as many worlds as the old one, so instead of making the way it looks based on the device screen, making it a toggle would be a good idea. I also noticed a small issue with the world tags when trying it on Xbox Series S:When creating an experimental world in creative mode, the “experimental” world tag is positioned next to the “creative” world tag, while if i create an experimental survival world, the “experimental” tag is actually positioned below the “survival” world tag, which kinda makes less sense since it’s better for it to use the space on the right, and that’s it, it’s a small inconsistency that i actually could not find when trying the new play screen on a Windows PC. Also one last thing is a feature which i think is a already in Java Edition, and it’s the world search bar. It would be an extremely handy QoL feature and it would help to find worlds a lot!