Minecraft is a diverse game with multiple items blocks and features, the nether update brought the nether a new and refreshing appeal, making it as complex as the surface world. However the end always seemed a bit daunting, all the effort gone through just to enter a cheese block with some obsidian and a dragon. The end needs to have an update. Let’s begin with some block diversity, the nether has black stone, netherite, some ores and basalt for example. The end only has three blocks, endstone, purpur and obsidian. We need diversity. Maybe some ores, definitely not passing netherite, it’s already powerful enough. Maybe adding opal, a colourful, rare, shimmery ore which can have a few properties. Perhaps the player doesn’t spawn in the boss battle, instead spawns in the end city and has to find the boss using clues, like possibly a new compass made of opal. Some end biomes wouldn’t hurt too. To make a game fun, it should be interesting through to the end (literally) the end is great and all but it needs some tweaking, like how the nether was changed, the end could use it too. One last feature I think should be added in an update that changes the end is making the fletching table functional for players and enchants for elytra. Elytra is already the most useful item for a late game survival world but isn’t all that fast in its own. We would use rnchants for elytra such as “swift glide”. Thank you for reading, and Mojang, I hope you will consider this
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