Strictly for humanoid and humanoid type mobs feedback and suggestions. Bugs, duplicate ideas, lists of things, and support issues will be deleted.


friendly Wizards


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    Registered User commented
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    It think its neat to have a more expensive villager, though using gold probably isn't the best idea since piglins already use that. 

    Also I think its neat to have a way to get spawn eggs in survival

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    Registered User commented
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    Having a friendly magic user among the village (as in spellcaster like the evoker, the cleric and their potion brewing endeavors don't count) would indeed be an interesting idea. However, I think there is more potential here than just buying and selling items.

    How about instead of those, this is a rather quirky fellow with rather imprecise control over their magic, but with enough of an understanding of their power to not have it on sale until the later trading tiers. Until then, all they do is buy up enchanting related items, but once they have reached a certain stage in their professional progression, they start selling something of their own - not items like any other villager, but services.

    Some ideas here would be changing the time of day, changing the weather and summoning farm animals. None of these actions would come cheap in the slightest and would only have like one or two charges each before being out of stock, not to mention that all of them are random. This means you do not get full control over what you actually get, only the type of magic that happens. Changing the weather may turn sunny to thunder, for instance, or just result in rain; while summoning farm animals can get you any number of combinations for your batch of creatures, maybe even an exceedingly rare mooshroom cow mixed in amongst them.