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Let's talk about Bedrock Recipe Unlocking!



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  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    They should also add the multiple recipes as in Java, for example, if you want to make an acacia wood fence but you have several types of wood in your inventory, it would only let you make the oak wood one, not the others

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    this is unrelated but oreui ui screens look very unfaithful to minecraft i hope they don't replace the current ui.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    I think this feature makes sense for new players that get shown what they can craft with the new material that they found, or when finding an item learning how to be able to craft it as well. It doesn’t make sense for a person that knows the crafting recipes to have to unlock them all again. So the unlocking recipes should be relative to the account and not to each world, similar to how the achievements currently work on Bedrock. That way once a player has learned a recipe, they also have that recipe available in the other worlds, and that for someone who has played hundreds of Minecraft worlds, doesn’t have to search for materials just to see the recipe for something they’ve crafted before.

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    You should make the animation much longer because we don't have sometimes the time to see everything we unlocked. Also, make the notification sound to be the same as Java!

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    We need java achievement too, or even making the nowdays achievement looks more like java ones and put it in offline mode too

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is a great change but it'd be nice if it was toggable because the UI popping up mid game for collecting items can be annoying.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Well, it is a great advance and parity with minecraft java, but I would like that, as in minecraft java, when crafting something, such as different types of wood, these are shown multiple times as in java, I would also like something added since they are making these improvements add some progress and they appear in the same way as minecraft java I hope you take these ideas thanks 😁

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    This is great, but it should be togglable. As an experienced player, this doesn't feel worthwhile to me without Advancements like Java, but I agree that it's a necessity for new players. So I think there should be a way to disable it, but it's great that you're working on this.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Could you please add that crafting recipes can be disabled at will, namely notifications, they can just interfere with the game, let the players choose how they play, that is, Crafting recipes will be enabled by default, but it could be disabled for a comfortable game. And please return the old boat crafting with a shovel so that you can craft a boat with a shovel and without a shovel, it was just fun with a shovel. And please optimize the minecraft bedrock a little so that it doesn't lag so often, that's all I have, I hope my review will help you in the development of minecraft bedrock.       

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with the person that said this is unnecessary for people that already know all the recipes. It can get annoying for every world to be getting constant pop ups. The recipes being shared across worlds would also fix a few other issues, since after playing with recipes for a while it became clear that this is aimed at newer players. I think quick crafting is one of the best features, but the recipe unlock system has requirements that interrupt it and the flow of gameplay. I have to actually touch water be able to quick craft a boat or just wait a few minutes to be able to quick craft a chest. I know I can just craft them manually but it is unnecessary and interrupts usual gameplay. Worst of all, unlocking a new recipe resets the crafting table setting, which means I have to press craftable, my preferred setting, every time after I unlock something new. This also happens every single time I load into a world. Making it so that recipes are shared across worlds would make this bug less painful to deal with, since I doubt it will be fixed soon if it wasn't caught and fixed during tests. A toggle for recipes could also work, since I would much rather not have recipe unlocks than have to deal with the crafting table setting reset bug every time I load into a world.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Make a recipe book a loot.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    You should add the java edition knowledge book as well so if you want to you can use commands to get it to unlock all of the recipes. Or you could add a /recipe command which unlocks or relocks recipes for certain players. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is one thing I thought it was gonna get added one day for bedrock but I never knew it was gonna come today in the latest beta/preview 

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Recipe Unlocking idea is horrendous. There's no need and is a QoL feature if this was *not* added. I'm an avid Minecraft player and I forget what materials and what order some recipes need to go. I don't want to go all the way to the Wiki with my terrible WiFi to find out a Recipe which can take me 1 second in-game. It's a pointless "progression" that wants to be added due to Java parity, it would make sense for Java to copy Bedrock with its all-unlocked recipes style. I believe the original idea was taken from Legacy Edition where everything was unlocked, and boy, it was such a life-saver to quickly smash a few buttons then fight off a creeper mid-way through. I just wouldn't be able to do that on a new world. I mean, what does feature even add? Most players just ignore it when it appears on the top-right corner so it doesn't even serve purpose. I'd much rather for developers to focus on something else rather than this worthless parity.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    While it's certainly an amazing feature to have in the bedrock edition, I feel like the UI might come and go a tad too fast. In my opinion, it would be beneficial to create a new UI for it as the new bedrock UI is slowly going to make this older "java" UI feel less fitting to the bedrock UI.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I don't like the popup sound and I don't like the fact that on bedrock the popup appears from top to bottom and on java from right to left.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    There should be a recipe book/unlocking feature
    For all utility blocks and often-used blocks such as:
    2-Blast furnace
    3-Smithing table
    5-Stone Cutter

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    It's really good idea and she look exactly like java version.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I know some player will not love that idea, but it can be better with little changes, but it cool to feel like u playing java version , i appreciate that i can see the pop up, but it need few little changes like : reducing its size , make it to bee the exact same as java , and add varient of it like java, but it loved the idea , and it need to be disabled if some player doesn't need it

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    it should make the same sound as java because its too loud and interupting, also the pop up takes up too much space it should have a slider or just have it scale with the ui scale

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I personally hate unlocking recipes on Java. I prefer the Bedrock interface, where you can see what you need to craft what you want, then get the materials to make it, not having to randomly find the item to see the recipe to an item you forgot how to craft.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Crafting recipes manually with a controller is painful. Can we just acknowledge that Java and Bedrock are different things targeting different system types (pc vs console)? I avoided the game for years due to the horrendous interface Java brought only to discover Bedrock 1.18 was enjoyable on a console. Now you are doing everything to bring over everything I dislike about the game and force on Bedrock.

    Maybe Java would be better if it moved more towards Bedrock instead of the other way around. The majority of players exist on Bedrock, why must we bow down to tiny Salmon and horribly implemented combat systems?

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I did not like this new feature, I already did not like it in java for 2 reasons and now in bedrock, so I hope they do not take the automatic crafts, but for those who want I would like this feature to be left as optional, please, Thanks!

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I have been playing  Minecraft since early PE versions, so I know most of the recipes. I understend that there are a lot of new players for whom it may be useful but there are also some who will be annoyed by seen messenges about unloking recipe for crafting table over and over again in every single world. It will be so good if this feacher will be added as toggle in accessibility settings.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Make it so that this feature can be enabled or disabled in the world settings before (and after), and make it enabled by default. This feature is great for new players but most old players already know how crafting works and it would be annoying to unlock a recipe that we forgot (which means we would have to google the recipes), so let people who dislike it to have an option to disable it.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The animation is way too fast and when i switch to 10 seconds it is way too long, there should be an option to make it 5-6 seconds just like java edition also the images of the items you can make change way too fast and Text is way too long on some languages, also the pop-up it's way too big but i don't know if it is because am using an unsupported language, and also i think the pop-up comes from another side, i'd also like if the sound of unlocking a recipe was the same as java and if possible a light mode, if these problems were fixed i would give this feature a 10/10

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Instead of the Xbox notification sound for recipe unlocking sound it should be sound that Java used when the recipe unlocked shows up it less annoying and sounds ten times better and it should also side in from right to left and back like in Java

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    After thorough testing, I feel that the sound may be a bit too distracting, especially in the early game where you unlock lots of recipes in a short amount of time. It shouldn't be something that demands as much attention as an achievement, so the sound used in Java Edition would be a better fit. Other than that, no complaints!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I want the UI and sound effects to be the same as the java version.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    They should add the feature which allows 2 recipe to come at once like java. Also the sound will be better if was like the java one in my opinion because, I really don't like hearing ticking noise everytime.