Yes this is what I call the arch illager.this is part of my new project illagers are misunderstood.the illagers are basically civil now but they have more enemies
the arch illager however sits on his throne in a massive castle in the high mountains and is extremely rare,only found by a map the captian trades to you.once you find this massive castle you will see tons of illagers working around the clock do they won’t hurt you unless you really want a fight.but the arch illager will be found in the throne room meditating with his power of omnipotence he knows of your arrival and greets you but why would ya want to hurt him (he’s too cute)
his orb is probably the most rarest and most overpowered weapon.capeable of firing multiple rounds of fireballs and a death beam and basically is the infinity stone of mc in a way so if you challenge him for it good luck.if you do defeat the arch illager he gives it to you.dw he’s not going to die at all he’s just gunna pass out for a bit.
you can interact with archie and trade for powerful items
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