This proposal pertains only to RPs, as it might result in conflicting behaviour and additional load on the Host, if implemented for Behaviour Packs.
Example of a manifest.json file from a RP (ColouredCreepers.mcpack):
"subpacks": [
{ "folder_name": "creeper_blue", "name": "Blue Creeper", "memory_tier": 1 },
{ "folder_name": "creeper_red", "name": "Red Creeper", "memory_tier": 1 }
Currently, Clients connecting to a Host (e.g. APP or BDS) are forced to use whichever SP was set as the active SP or the last SP (if not explicitly specified).
Proposing the implementation of the ability to allow Clients to apply a SP for display and use during gameplay, from the available SPs within a RP used by the Host. For example, the Host uses the “creeper_red” SP, but the Player would rather use the “creeper_blue” SP.
Scenario #1 – Player added the RP manually and it resides under “Storage/Resource Packs” and “Global Resources/My Packs”:
=> The Player could then activate the RP under “Global Resources/My Packs” and then set their chosen SP for the RP under “Global Resources/Active”.
Scenario #2 – Client does not have the RP, and the Host pushes the RP to the Client and it will reside under “Storage/Cached Data”:
=> The Host must push the full or complete RP to the Client;
=> The Player could then set their chosen SP for the RP under “Storage/Cached Data”, through a similar settings option used for active RPs (“Global Resources/Active”).
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