Let's get started!
If you search, you'll see lots of great ideas that may come close but aren't exactly what you had in mind. Try one or two words that describe your idea and give it a try. When you see one, start there instead. You might create something better together.
If you have something totally new, let's go! Before you rush over and post in the Biomes and Dimensions category, you'll want to do a couple of things first.
First, search! Is there someone talking about the kind of biome or dimension you want, but not quite right? Why not work together and add to their post!
Now you're really ready to post. Tell us about your biome! Here are some questions to get you going to make sure you have everything people will want to know:
- Why would we go here? What is going to get me out of my comfy Minecraft house and ready to adventure to this new biome (or dimension)?
- What is it named?
- Where is it?
- What does it look like?
These are really important questions. Everyone asks them, and if you see a biome post without them, you should ask them!
Now you can add all the stuff about mobs and cool items as ideas in their proper categories. Be sure they're not in pending approval status first. Maybe you should make those links in a comment, because no one likes broken links.
Next, hit post! Now go tell ALL your friends and tell them to tell all their friends. Good luck!