What's New (23 August)
* 23 August: Retired "staff comment" tag in favor of "announced" tag. It feels like we're up to something here, doesn't it?
* (14 August) Welcome, Structures category! Our categories on the side also moved around to help encourage more of a "checklist" approach when creating Biomes and Dimension improvements.
* (9 August) We'd like to improve the Biomes, Dimensions, and Structures category. Add your thoughts to the thread.
* (9 August) Updated this post.
* (6 August) Made a tiny change to encourage people to click and read posts before voting.
* (3 August) FAQ-a-polooza. It is Fun FAQ Friday here in Community Land as we cruise towards a destination of better documentation. Here are links you'll want to visit:
Contacting Your Community Team has been updated. (It lives in Gameplay and Support Resources)
These live in the Feedback Website category of our Knowledge Base:
Feedback Website FAQ has been created. If you haven't been here in a while and this is your first visit to the post-May 2018 feedback site, start here instead.
How to Post and Edit Feedback. It's more technical than Creating Great Feedback and has pictures.
Meet the Categories went out of date, thanks to the fast moving and shuffling of categories that took place the first two full months of the new feedback site. Oops, we're bringing that back in line because a FAQ out of date helps nobody!
Tags on Posts and What they Mean needed a page. It has one now.
* (2 August) Removed Header button from posting form. It's not broken. Keeps things simple, wasn't being used that much anyway, and prevents posts in entire Heading 1. We make changes around here often, but we also enjoy your feedback about our website changes.