What's new (30 July)
* Updated Previously Considered Feedback last week. We had a meeting, therefore we have updates.
* We took out the box below this line:
Be sure your feedback gets seen. Be sure to check out creating great feedback, previously considered feedback and the posting guidelines before adding your idea.
We hope this will cut down considerably on spam.
* We are testing out following threads, so you can follow your favorites and get notified about updates to them.
* We've introduced some new tags (below). We removed the tags on the profile page, because they don't match our tags and how we use them.
* July featured topic: The Swamp. Gaze upon its murky depths. We are also changing how we do featured topic threads so please read up even if you have no interest in swamps. This also affects the food mega-thread, "Calling All Chefs".
* Tags are working again, here are the new tags and what they mean:
- staff comment: Someone from Minecraft commented on this thread - could be inkycatz, could be another community team member, may be a developer having a thought or needing information. Who knows? Open the thread and look!
- under review: The team has discussed this idea and it has a status other than "not happening". If it's not happening for sure, it becomes Previously Considered Feedback. Check that page every couple weeks, or do a sort on 'under review' to see what's being discussed in some fashion. Discussion does not mean it will eventually make it into Minecraft or may not move to 'previously considered' at a future date.
- updated: Currently, we feel the 'edited' tag at the bottom of the posts fades into the background. If you want to see threads whose original post has been edited (so you can perhaps, check for changes, and possibly adjust your vote as needed), then this is a good way to sort posts. We welcome feedback specifically on this tag over in the Website category. (It may go away after our visual refresh, or we may just keep it.)
- needs info: If a post needs more information for some reason, it'll get this tag.
We appreciate your input and thoughts on these tags, and hope everyone finds them useful. We know there is an issue with "tags mismatch" on the posts and the posts on your profile page. Always defer to what the post itself says as we figure out the other page.
* Gameplay had an identity crisis and a new category emerged: Minecraft (General). Check it out, now in-game things are separate from non-in-game things. That's the goal, anyway.
* We're going through each of the category (Start Heres) and making sure they reflect best what the categories mean.